Another Tattoo Blog

I previously pointed you fine folks to Needled, which remains a steady read for me. However, one tattoo blog can't possibly be enough, so I'm happy to find INKEDblog:

INKEDblog takes you beneath the skin of today's tattoo culture. Our mission is to celebrate tattooing as a modern art form which incorporates art, fashion, style, and pop culture. While paying homage and respect to the past, we look to present a contemporary take on the present and future of skin art.

Take some time in the archives, there's some good stuff. One post points to this bit about rose tattoos and what the color of the flower might symolize, which I dig on since I'm planing a dagger/rose tattoo.


Oh, yeah, by the way... I'm spending some of my stock option payout on new ink this Saturday. Stay tuned. (Hint: It's not the dagger.)

Rollergirl Update

Just FYI, I've added a listing for the upcoming Rocky Mountain Rollergirl event on (You should all sign up and use Andy's rocking event calendar site.) I've also been in contact with Jayne Manslaughter of the Sugar Kill Gang... This fact alone excites me tremendously.

Meanwhile, The Wife took a kickboxing class last night and loved it, so maybe she's not as far from rollergirl fame as she thinks... ;)

Days Like This

Things happen to Michael Buffington. It's been a long, long while, but I've had days like that. I think they tend to occur more often when one is in foreign territory. Like the time I spent a few days in Seattle. It wasn't as weird as Michael's day in San Fran, but it had a mild taste of the surreal throughout.

Time to expand my horizons...

These are my URL ABCs:

Media Consumption

Just a quick catch up on stuff I've enjoyed lately:

  • I just finished reading The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell. I'm late to this game, but I highly recommend the book. Even if you're not interested in marketing per se, the lessons in the book will help you look at things in a different way. That's always a good thing. I was also tickled when the tipping point notion was referenced in an episode of Numb3rs, which is not a bad show at all, btw. Malcom's Blink is in my queue, too.
  • Right now, I am reading Freakonomics, which I picked up after seeing it on Kottke. I'm already enjoying it a lot, as it has touched on a couple examples related to the ones in The Tipping Point, but from a totally different angle. There's a Freakonomics blog that may be worth watching.
  • I'm still marinating in A Whole New Mind. I can honestly say that it has impacted the way I approach certain situations at work. This is a good thing. The author, Dan Pink, also has a blog related to the subject matter of the book on his site
  • I caught Velvet Goldmine on the TiVo. Wow. I really loved it. I suppose it could put you off if you're not down with the boy-on-boy lovin', but I enjoyed the heck out of it. (As noted before, I'm a total sucker for almost anything with Ewan McGregor in it.) I might even consider picking up the soundtrack.
  • Then there's the Matisyahu. Man, that guy makes me happy.
  • I am also digging the Kaiser Chiefs album.

OK, that's it. Carry on.

Trick of the Trade

Tricks of the Trade is a great idea.

A tip for listeners: when having a call-in contest, radio hosts prefer winners who sound excited. So if you call a station and sound fun, there's a better chance of not only winning but getting on air as well. The whole "caller 9" thing is mostly a filtering trick, allowing the host to tell boring-sounding people "you're caller number 7, sorry."

It's run by everyone's favorite defective yeti.

Wil Wheaton: Slightly less angry at the world

Or at least that's how I think the intrepid Mr. Wheaton comes across in this NYTimes article.

Viewers of tonight's episode of "CSI" may find Walter oddly familiar. Under the Hollywood dirt and scabs, the actor playing a drug-addicted murder suspect may bring to mind a teenage Starfleet officer, or a boy who once sought a corpse. That's because Walter is played by Wil Wheaton, once a wildly successful child actor who these days endures sometimes-painful lulls between gigs - and has, in response, transformed himself into a quirky star of the blogosphere.


  1. I hate the fact that the term "blogosphere" has made it this far into the public consciousness.
  2. Wil seemed pretty grumpy on the WPT Hollywood Home Game. I wonder if he really is that grouchy, or if he's just that acerbic... Or maybe LeVar Burton just put him off by acting like a pompous ass.
  3. Yeah, Wil's on CSI tonight. I really love that his role got upgraded based on his audition. Good job, Wil!