@simianista Monkey Revolution Dispatches for 2009-07-06

  • Baby Sumatran orangutan, Menari, born at Audubon Zoo in New Orleans on June 10, 2009: http://is.gd/1i1oh #monkeyrevolution #
  • Word on the street has it that TV's "Bones", minx Emily Deschanel, might be a simianista sympathizer: http://is.gd/1iM8H #monkeyrevolution #
  • Palm oil production threatens orangutan habitat in Sumatra: http://is.gd/1jbBN #monkeyrevolution #
  • Malaysian authorities rescued three baby orangutans believed to have been smuggled into the country: http://is.gd/1jy3E #monkeyrevolution #
  • Cute overload. RT: @fuckyoupenguin: Only I can save everyone from this baby gorilla http://tinyurl.com/maclfu #monkeyrevolution #
  • Michael Jackson's chimp, Bubbles, has retired to Florida -- just like your Grandma. http://is.gd/1lBbX #monkeyrevolution #
  • South Vietnamese court sentenced two men to prison for killing two endangered black-shanked douc apes: http://is.gd/1mqsg #monkeyrevolution #
  • Jocco, maybe one of the world's oldest capuchin monkeys, and star at Utah's Hogle Zoo, has died at 45. http://is.gd/1mOCR #monkeyrevolution #
  • In India, it seems, monkeys are easy to catch, but not so easy to release: http://is.gd/1ogAJ #monkeyrevolution #

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