Rocky Top Rumble

Tennessee rattled by 2.5 quake

The quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 2.5, happened at 8:02 p.m. Thursday, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey's National Earthquake Information Center.

The quake was 17 miles southwest of Knoxville, according to the earthquake center's Web site.

Blount County Sheriff's Office dispatchers said callers reported hearing a loud boom followed by shaking and trembling. Some people called 911 to report pictures had fallen off their walls, they said.

Once, when I was in middle/high school in Rogersville, TN (about 90 miles East of Knoxville), I woke up in the middle of the night. The next morning I thought I remembered my radio, which I always left playing as I slept, saying something about an earthquake. I figured it to be a dream, but it turns out that actually had been one. It was probably smaller than this one, and noone else I knew even felt it.

Just goes to show that even the old mountains still move once in a while.