Here's to having MLK Day off from work! Going for my walk/run today in 15 degree (F) temps wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Until my calf started cramping. That had nothing to do with the cold, though. It was ready to go from the activity earlier in the weekend.
Junk I've run across:
- Parkour and free running are - without a doubt - the best thing to happen to action movies since martial arts. This article focuses on one of the American early adopters.
- Last Friday there was news of a car found in bits (along with the three people who were in it) in nearby Louisville. Turns out the car was doing over 100 miles per hour. It also turns out the folks taking the ride were drinking. At least they were "doing what they loved."
- Leonard Cohen is going on tour after fifteen years off the road. I'm sure he's past his prime, but I might actually go see him. This live disc is absolutely essential, I don't care who you are.
- What does it say about me that I think this thing looks like a lot of fun?
- Brozo's pal and mine, John Croghan, is playing some shows in the near future. I told him he should play "More Than Words" by perennial Boston favorite, Extreme. He said he'd do it if I actually came to the show. I'm gonna do my best, even though it's way past my bed time. ;)
- Another buddy, Wil Herren, has taken off to Dubai, where the rate of construction is only outstripped by the importing of sex workers (or so I hear). Wil's off to a great start on his travel blog, even if he might be misusing the "pages" paradigm. The captions on the pics are gold.
- Brozo has the run down of our send-off for Wil, if you're interested in a bunch of past-their-prime white boys rolling between dive bars in a limo.
- Oh, yeah... Go Pats!
- So, Clinton won Nevada, but Obama got more delegates? WTF? No wonder people don't bother...
- I'm reading The Golden Compass right now. It's actually good fun, IMHO. Not sure if I'm all that interested in the movie, though.
- I grabbed Superbad onto my TiVo via Amazon Unbox, though. That's bound to be just about perfect for one of these nights when the television dial is utterly devoid of worthwhile entertainment.
- Speaking of, anyone have the early word on Breaking Bad? I've got it recorded, but haven't watched it yet.